Augmented Reality for Ecommerce

Augmented reality is an interactive experience in which users can view and engage with a computer generated object in their current real world environment With Atlatl Visual’s AR feature, consumers can view the exact configurations they create on the 3D canvas in their own space via the native Augmented Reality function in their mobile devices.

Augmented reality is an interactive experience in which users can view and engage with a computer generated object in their current real world environment With Dopple's AR feature, consumers can view the exact configurations they create on the 3D canvas in their own space via the native augmented reality function in their mobile devices.


QR Code Supported Augmented Reality


User initiates display of the code


User scans the code with a mobile device


The mobile device proceeds as outlined in the below mobile device sections




User initiates LaunchAR directly via host site


The LaunchAR web page defaults to the ModelViewer display


Interactive AR is not supported in a desktop experience
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Mobile Device User Experience

When running a Dopple experience on a mobile device, such as an iOS or Android device, it is expected that the host site would provide the user with the means to call LaunchAR. The steps on the journey are roughly the same until the final result, being:
  • User initiates LaunchAR directly or by scanning a QR Code
  • The LaunchAR Webpage is opened, displaying the ModelViewer and the option to enter AR
  • User clicks the AR button

Benefits Of AR In Ecommerce

For The Buyer:

Dopple’s AR experiences allow shoppers to see their specific visualization or configuration choices in real time in their own environment. Instead of a prefabricated or standard model, the choices shoppers make on their browser are showcased in high definition right before their eyes, using their device's native AR capabilities.

For The Brand:

Studies show that products enabled with AR during the shopping process have dramatically higher conversion rates than those not viewable in AR. Improving the buying experience has drives immediate and direct impacts on key business metrics, including conversion rate, average order value, and return rates. Leveraging Web AR allows brands to seamlessly optimize the buying experience without sacrificing extensive development resources or site performance.