Understanding WebAR

WebAR, or web based augmented reality, allows users to access AR experiences without using an app, accessing content directly through their device’s browser instead.

What is WebAR?

WebAR, or web based augmented reality, allows users to access AR experiences without using an app, but instead directly through their device’s browser.

Accessible through both mobile and desktop triggers, WebAR removes the friction between an AR experience and a user’s ability to view the content. From a brand perspective, this often drives higher engagement with AR content, while utilizing less development hours and resources.

WebAR does have some content limitations due to the amount of memory demanded from the device, however these limitations are largely beyond the needs of AR campaigns or interactive product experiences. The benefits brands gain from the ease of use and access for consumers far exceeds any limitations that may exist for product experiences.

How Does Dopple Use WebAR?

Dopple AR is a webAR application, which means that your buyers will be able to seamlessly experience your products in interactive 3D and AR from wherever they do their shopping, without the need for an additional app. Our integrated platform allows buyers to configure their specific choices before viewing in AR, so the model they build is the model they see.